Walhalla, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you to learn about the Population & Steets in Walhala City. It is important to understand where crime is most prevalent in Walhalla City. In general, the area around parks and major airports is safe, but crime is still a problem in some parts of the city. For example, the southeast portion of Walhalla City has a higher rate of murder than the central part of the city. While this isn't as concerning as it seems, crime occurs in any place.

The population of Walhalla City is diverse in terms of ethnic origin, with many residents reporting that they are of Irish, Mexican, or English ancestry. However, the most common language spoken in Walhalla City is English, with Italian and Spanish speakers making up the rest of the population. A majority of people live in the City Center neighborhood, so you will likely hear a variety of languages spoken by local residents.

The percentage of people who own a car in Walhalla, SC is higher than the national average (64.1%) but lower than that of neighboring geographies. In 2019, 86.4% of workers in Walhalla, SC drove alone to work. Only 10.3% carpooled. For comparison, this chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation in Walhalla, SC over time. To see how small the differences between different modes of commuting, consider using the logarithmic scale.