Wando, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you thinking about moving to Wando City? If so, you have many reasons to do so. Wando is one of the best places to raise a family in Charleston. With a low crime rate and a good school district, Wando is a great place to raise a family. Population & Steets in Wando City are presented below. The population is also represented by the number of people who commute to work each day, whether by car, by foot, or on bicycles.

Demographics for Wando CCD are available from the United States Census Bureau. The population of Wando CCD in 2020 is 16,515 people, which makes it the second-smallest place in the greater Charleston area. The largest city in the surrounding area is Charleston, with a population of 137,041. The population growth in Wando between 2010 and 2020 shows that the area will grow by 3,573 people (28%).

Demographics of Wando CCD include information on immigrants, citizenship, and non-citizens. This information shows the proportion of citizens and non-citizens in the city by age group. The proportion of non-citizens is 3.1 in Wando CCD compared to 10.8% in North Charleston. Among the two age groups, the largest percentage of non-citizens is 18 to 24 years old.