Ware Shoals, South Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Ware Shoals City, SC is a mix of people from different ages and from different races. The most common demographics are white, black, and Hispanic. Approximately 88.6% of residents are white, and 16.4% are black. Approximately 36% of people in the city are renters, and 3.48 people live in homes. The median household income is $31,765, and the average household income is $42,685. The area has a high school graduation rate of 64% and is home to many people.

The city is also well-ranked when it comes to diversity, education, and crime. There is something for everyone in Ware Shoals. Of course, a great city is a personal preference, and some people prefer small towns or big cities. It all depends on what you want and need, but Ware Shoals City is a great place to live. If you are a first-time home buyer, this city is a good choice.

The town is named after an old water wheel grist mill that operated during the early nineteenth century. This mill was operated by William Ware and was located on the banks of the Saluda River. Nat Dial had plans to dam the river to power a cotton plant, but the funding ran out before he was able to complete it. After his failed attempt to build the power plant, Benjamin D. Riegel bought the project and established the Ware Shoals Manufacturing Corporation.