De Smet, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out more about the Demographics of De Smet City, you can start with the Census of Population and Housing. Then, look up the number of renter-occupied housing units, and other information to learn about the area. The population of renter-occupied housing units has increased by 1% since 2015. The number of renter-occupied housing units in the city is similar to that of neighboring cities. In Smet City, there were a total of 17 renter-occupied units in 2015.

In De Smet, Idaho, the majority of people are white, with less than 2% black or Asian residents. Hispanic residents account for 4.9% of the population. Home ownership rates are high, and the median household income is $38,938. The unemployment rate is low, and there are 66.8% of the residents are employed. The median home value in De Smet is $116,200, so you can expect to attract many people from this demographic.

Approximately 88.8% of De Smet residents are college graduates, while 17.7% are professionals or have a doctorate degree. Twenty-one percent of the city's population is employed in the service industry, while 17.2% work for the government. A majority of residents are employed in white-collar roles and 61.8% are homeowner-occupied. There are no homeless people in De Smet.