Deadwood, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When determining the population and steets in Deadwood City, consider the history and the reputation of the town. Deadwood was founded during the gold rush in 1876, with 25,000 miners swarming the hills surrounding the town. Famous American writers like Charles Dickens and Wild Bill Hickok made Deadwood an iconic town, and the wildly popular Deadwood Dick novel series heightened its reputation. The town's population doubles with the completion of the railroad link to the nearby town of Rapid City in 1891, and Deadwood becomes a major trading center for the region.

The median age of the overall population of Deadwood, SD was 51.1 in 2019. The racial and ethnic groups that made up the population are White, Two Or More, Hispanic, and Other. While there are many factors that influence poverty rates, the most important one is the age of the person. The average age of people living in Deadwood, SD is 51 years old. The most common country of birth for foreign-born residents is Mexico, while the second most common is Ethiopia. There are approximately 2,232 people of foreign-born origin in Deadwood.

The population of Deadwood has steadily decreased since the 1950s. In 2010, the population was just over 1,300. The last four brothels remain open despite repeated attempts by federal authorities to shut them down. Legalized gambling comes to Deadwood in the late 1980s, bringing new visitors and cash for historic revitalization. A new downtown area was envisioned and is now a bustling center. But it is not without its drawbacks.