Dimock, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A look at the population and steets of Dimock City, South Dakota, shows that the population is mostly white. Black residents make up a small minority. However, the poverty rate is higher in Dimock than in other nearby towns. The poverty rate is 11.1% in Dimock, but only slightly higher than in Butte and Yankton. While the overall poverty rate in South Dakota is 9.1%, it is significantly lower than in most other U.S. cities.

The city has 148 White residents. White people outnumber all other races, including blacks. There are also five Two+ people (Non-Hispanic) and three Asian-American residents, but the population of hispanics is just 1% of the total. The city also has three foreign-born citizens. This percentage is lower than the national average, but has decreased from 2.3% in 2018.

The median income in Dimock, SD is $61,563. This is slightly less than the national average of $65,712. This means that males earn 1.3 times more than females, or $43,005 compared to $47,600. However, this difference in income is much smaller than the national average. Dimock has a relatively high homeownership rate (82.4%) and a low rate of unemployment (2.9%). The median home value in Dimock, SD is $115,000 and the median rent is $475 per month. The median age in Dimock is 47 years old. Females are younger than males, at twenty-five and fifty-five respectively.