Hamill, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're wondering how many people live in Hamill City, or just curious about the area's demographics, you've come to the right place. In this article we will discuss the population and steets of the city. Using Google Maps to find out the approximate population of Hamill City, SD, we'll also show you the most common zip codes in the area, as well as their respective area codes.

There are 43 households in Hamill, SD, with a median home value of $36,667. The median household size is 2.60 people, with an average age of 50. The Hamill city population is expected to decrease by -4.5% over the next few years, with the median household income hovering around $37,500. There are around 1.1 men per woman, compared to 1.51 women.

Fife Hamill, a former Philadelphia child health center, was a pioneer in the decentralized public health system in the city. It was designated a City health center in 1950. A board of managers was appointed to operate the facility, which was responsible for all public health activities in the city. The health center was later merged with St. Christopher's Hospital for Children. Despite its success, it closed in 1960.