Meadow, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Meadow, UT? There are 219 residents in Meadow, UT. The median property value in Meadow is $196,400. The median age for residents is 44.1. The average commute time for residents of Meadow, UT is 17.7 minutes. The average number of cars per household is two. The median household income is $71,438. The median age is the same as in the surrounding areas of Utah.

East Meadow is the home to several Gilded Era estates. The Hoeffner homestead is now a park and the Post Office. The Barnum estate is now a school for children. Barnum Avenue, which is now known as Merrick Avenue, was originally called Barnum Avenue. The Oliver and Alva Belmont estate once spanned Front Street and included the Brookholt School of Agriculture for Women.

The median family income in Meadow was $70,571. Males made $51,062 compared to women's $32,267. The per-capita income in Meadow, UT was $27,659. There were 2.1% of families with incomes below the poverty line. Similarly, four percent of the underage and five percent of senior citizens were below the poverty line. These statistics may not be representative of the entire population, but they are helpful to determine where the poverty level is in any given area.

The population of Meadow is increasing. Since 2010, the city has added 1,796 new residents. Since 2000, the number of housing units in Meadow, UT has grown by nearly one-half. Its homeownership rate is also higher than the national average. Most homes in Meadow, UT are owned by someone with a mortgage, so the overall homeownership rate is a bit higher than the national average.