Mellette, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will provide you with the latest information about the Population & Steets in Mellotte City. The current population of Mellette is approximately 212 people. The average commute time is approximately 15.9 minutes, while the median home value is approximately $71,400. The average home appreciation in Mellette over the last ten years has been 3.2%. You can find out more about the residents of Mellette by reading below.

According to the 2010 census, the population of Mellette County was 2,052 people. The gender ratio in Mellette County was 49.7% male and 50.3% female, which was above the state and national averages. In other words, Mellette County has an incredibly balanced gender breakdown! This is not surprising given that women make up almost half of the population here. And if you're wondering how much of the population is female, you can be confident that she's a woman.