Ortley, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and streets of Ortley City? What are the economic trends? How would you compare Ortley with other places in South Dakota? The following statistics show how the population of Ortley compares to other places. It is important to remember that while all communities are unique, there are a few basic differences that will help you determine the demographics of the Ortley community.

For starters, Ortley is a rural city in Roberts County, South Dakota. It is a Census Designated Place, or CDP, and ranks in the 75th percentile when compared to other cities and towns in the state. It is also a part of a US Census metro area, and is therefore classified in the lower middle class category. In addition, Ortley has a low crime rate, which is typical for this area.

The population of Ortley City is fairly well-spaced. Of these, 13.0% of the population is under age, while 5.1% of the population is between 18 and 24. Thirty-seven percent of the population is married, and forty-four percent are non-families. Another 18.4% of the population is over 65 years old, while 34.8% of all households are single. The median age was 53, and there were more males than females, with males outnumbering females ninety-one.

The city of Ortley Beach is located on the Barnegat Peninsula in Ocean County, New Jersey. It has a population of 1447. The median household income is $38,306. The median age of the Ortley City population is 34. A map of Ortley Beach is available for those interested in visiting the area. There are many local businesses that can help you plan your vacation. You can also visit Ortley Beach's website to learn more about the area and what to do while you're there.