Revillo, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets for Revillo City, South Dakota. You can use this list to find out the population of other towns around Revillo. You can also look up the distance between Revillo, SD and other cities in the area to get a better idea of the area. Listed below are the biggest cities and towns closest to Revillo, SD.

The ZIP code for Revillo is 57259. This city is located in Deuel County. This city has only one default name, which is Revillo. In 2020, the population of Revillo is expected to be 2,050. If you would like to learn more about the area, you can visit the Revillo library and view information about the city. You can also contact the Revillo library for the address and phone numbers.

The average cost of living index for Revillo is 98.7. Compared to the national average of 100, Revillo is 99% cheaper to live in than the national average. A ten-point increase in the cost of living in Revillo would mean a doubling of the median price of a home. However, keep in mind that the data on this index are estimates and are not necessarily indicative of cost of living in Revillo City.