Shadehill, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the demographics of Shadehill City, SD, you may find it useful to view the population map. The map below shows the percentage of people of various races, according to the city's population density. The green areas represent the majority race, while red areas indicate that there are a variety of races living in the area. While the population density in Shadehill City is low, crime rates may appear higher than the city's average.

For recreation, Shadehill City is home to the Shadehill Recreation Area, which is located on the banks of Shadehill Reservoir. There are many different types of water recreation here, as well as land-based recreation. Shadehill Reservoir is one of the few large bodies of water in western South Dakota. The city is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including a plethora of birds and a variety of fish species.