Winner, South Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Winner, SD median property value is $100,700, which is 0.419 times smaller than the national average. The median property value in Winner, SD has increased from $86,000 in 2009 to $100,700 in 2019. The homeownership rate is at 73.6%, and most people drive alone to work. The median number of cars per household is three, and most residents own more than one car. Overall, the population of Winner, SD is 2.83k, but there is no data on the exact percentage of people who are Hispanic.

The median income for residents of Winner, SD is $582 per month. This is lower than the median income for the state of South Dakota, which is $65,712. However, Winner has a relatively high proportion of households with active broadband Internet connections. If you're looking for the current income of Winner residents, we recommend that you enter your current address. You can find your current zip code by entering your current address.

The uninsured and enrolled health care rate in Winner, SD is lower than the national average. While a higher percentage of people in Winner, SD own a car, the national average is 93.4%. Winner, SD has a significant proportion of those who served in the military during the Vietnam War. Therefore, if you're looking for the best way to get around, you should consider living in Winner.