Bakewell, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bakewell, Tennessee is approximately 104,398 people. This includes a percentage of Hispanic, Black and Asian population. Approximately 0.5% of the population belongs to another ethnic group. The city has a median household income of $45,278 and an average household income of $55,152. Most of the residents are white-collar and own a home. The percentage of males who are not white-collar is also relatively high, at 68%.

Bakewell is a market town in the southern part of the Peak District. It is well known for its famous dessert, Bakewell pudding. The town is also located near various attractions and amenities. The town has a population of 3500 people. It is close to many attractions and offers good buying and renting opportunities. Bakewell is one of the smallest towns in Derbyshire, but it is also close to some of the best places to live in the UK.

In 1862, the Manchester, Buxton, and Midlands Junction Railway opened a railway station in the city. In time, this station was part of the Midland Railway, which ultimately connected Manchester and London. John Ruskin had objections to the desecration of Derbyshire's countryside and the speed of the trains, but the Duke of Rutland allowed the railway through his estate. The station buildings in Bakewell are far more impressive than what one might expect, with the Duke's coat of arms carved into the stonework.

During the Middle Ages, there were Saxon people in Bakewell. The town grew in popularity and became home to many Roman Catholic families. The town's history has a colorful history. Many locals are proud of their heritage and enjoy baking and visiting local businesses. Among the many interesting places in the town is All Saints Church, a Grade I listed church that dates back to Saxon times. Ancient stone coffins and Saxon stonework were found during restoration work.