Bethpage, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to Bethpage City, NY, then you might want to find out how many people live there. Bethpage City is located in Nassau County. It is considered a small town, but it is a desirable location for a large number of reasons. Here is a quick guide to the population and steets of Bethpage. Also, check out the weather in Bethpage City!

The average crime rate in Old Bethpage is 4.66 crimes per 1,000 residents during a standard year. The most dangerous parts of Old Bethpage are in red, while the safest areas are in yellow. While crime rates are not intuitive, they are generally lower in the southeast of the city. This map shows the crime rate in a very basic manner and closely resembles the state population maps. If you are interested in finding out the exact crime rate in Bethpage City, take a look at the map below.

Employment in Bethpage, NY is fairly even. Among the five hundred and seventy-one households, 31.7% were under the age of 18. Another 10.0% of households were headed by a female without her husband. Twenty-seven percent of households were non-families, while 17.9% were made up of individuals. And a single person aged 65 or older made up 11.3% of households. The average household size in Bethpage is 2.89 people.