Caryville, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're looking for the latest statistics about Caryville city, NC, you might find it interesting to know how diverse it is. This city's population decreased by 8.25% over the last 10 years, but its diversity is still quite good. There are some neighborhoods in Caryville that are predominantly white, while other communities are more diverse. Regardless of the diversity of the neighborhood, you should keep in mind that it will take a car to get around.

Crime rates in Caryville are low overall. The east part of the city is the safest, with a rate of 5.84 crimes per 1,000 residents. In contrast, the west end of the city has a rate of one violent crime per 1,000 residents. It's not intuitive to compare violent crime rates between different neighborhoods, but this map will generally resemble a population map. It's important to note that crime rates vary by location, so it's important to compare neighborhoods according to this.

The city has a population of 2,212, and it is located in a rural area. It is one of the poorest counties in the state, so it's not surprising that the population is low. Job opportunities are rare, and the local economy is weak, which is one reason why there are so few residents in Caryville. Schools are "okay," but the area doesn't have any zoning and many empty buildings and sad small businesses. And there's a lot of trash on the sides of the road.