Culleoka, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and sate of Culleoka, Tennessee? It is important to know the statistics regarding the city to make an informed decision when moving here. Using data from the US Census Bureau, we can find out the total number of people in the city. Besides identifying the total number of people, this data will also show the percentage of males and females in the city. The racial makeup of Culleoka is 57.5% male and 42.5% female. These numbers are significantly higher than the state and national averages of 48.8% to 50.7%.

The map below shows the average violent crime rate per thousand residents in Culleoka. You can also compare this number to the violent crime rates in surrounding cities. Violent crime rates are generally lower in the west and northwest sections of Culleoka than in the rest of the city. The violent crime rate in Culleoka is lower than the national average and the state average.

The streets in Culleoka are listed on Google Maps and Google Photos. Click on any street name to view a map of the area. You can also search for streets in Culleoka by typing the address in the search bar and hitting "find."