Elizabethton, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019 the median age for all people in Elizabethton, TN was 42.1 years old. This was lower than the 43 years old of the population in 2018. The median age for native-born citizens and foreign-born citizens were the same, but people were getting younger. The most common foreign-born country among people in Elizabethton, TN was Mexico. Over 90080 people were born in Mexico, followed by 22.7% of Hispanics and 14 percent of African-Americans.

In the early twentieth century, Elizabethton became a railroad hub. Three different railroad companies served the town, including the Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad (ET&WNC). The ET&WNC Railroad built a narrow-gauge engine that spanned the Doe River to serve the town. By the early twentieth century, Elizabethton had three rail companies. The railroads that served the area included the Tennessee and Eastern Railroad, the Southern Railway, and the New York Central.

There are two school districts in Elizabethton. The Elizabethton City School District is the largest, while the Carter County School District serves the rest of the city. There are fourteen public schools and one private school. The population is expected to reach 50,000 by 2020. The Elizabethton School District is one of the largest in the state and has a high school. However, the Elizabethton Public Schools are also a great option for education.

The city had a low poverty rate, with only a modest percentage of residents living below the federal poverty line. The median age was forty years old. There were 25.6 percent of households with children under the age of eighteen, and a single woman with no husband. The population was divided by age, with the highest share of households having two or more cars. Sixteen percent of households were non-families, while the lowest were made up of single-person families. Despite these statistics, the majority of people in the city have health insurance coverage. A few percent of people had Medicaid and other non-group plans and the elderly.