Erwin, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning more about the city of Erwin, Texas, you can start by exploring its population and steets. Erwin has an average of 1,338 people per square mile, which makes it slightly smaller than the average Texas city. The city also has a median age of about 44. If you're interested in learning more about the local culture, there are several restaurants in town.

The population of Erwin City is very diverse. It has a high proportion of people from the European continent. The population is also relatively diverse, with about 2% of residents belonging to a minority group. Erwin's ancestry is highly concentrated in Bulgarian and Ukrainian. Other ancestry groups include German, French, Italian, and Scottish. While this city is mostly white, it still has some minorities.

In the US, the most people live in households headed by a married couple. In the City of Erwin, the average household size is just under three people. This is not too unusual, as one-third of all American adults has never married. Erwin is also home to about 10 percent of veterans - a high proportion when compared to Tennessee's 8.5%. Considering these factors, you can see that the population of Erwin is quite diverse.

In 1910, the population of Erwin was 1,149 people. That year, the city was on the cusp of an era of growth and prosperity fueled by railroads and business developments. A few years later, Erwin became a metropolis of 1,398 people, making it a major hub for business development. The population has grown over the past century. The population is still growing in the City.