Grimsley, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking at a map of crime rates in Grimsley, Tennessee, you may find that the numbers seem inflated. These figures don't always accurately reflect the truth, since some people don't live in the neighborhoods where crimes are most common. For instance, crimes in the central portion of Grimsley tend to happen in blocks where the population is low. The same is true of the southwest part of the city, where crime is higher than elsewhere.

The following chart shows the percentage of households in Grimsley, TN that commute by car. The y-axis is scaled using a logarithmic scale, which helps to illustrate variations in smaller means of transportation. For instance, the chart below shows the distribution of households in Grimsley, TN by car ownership. Those with two or more cars represent the largest percentage of households. In contrast, households without cars represent a smaller share of the community.

The percentage of people living below the poverty line in Grimsley, TN varies greatly. The highest-paid jobs in Grimsley, TN are in Management, Business, Science, & Arts occupations, and Construction & Extraction. The poverty level in Grimsley, TN is 0.465. Moreover, the number of people living in poverty in Grimsley is lower than the national average, but it remains relatively high. The largest employment sectors in Grimsley, TN are Manufacturing, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Educational Services.