Hickory Valley, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know more about the Population & Steets in HICKORY VALLEY CITY? This city has about 49% black and Native residents and is the most diverse in the state of Tennessee. Its size is also one of the largest in the US, but it is just 18.7% larger than the average for the entire state of Tennessee. The following information may be helpful for you.

While the USPS lists Hickory Valley as a city, this name is also used for other places in the area. This could be a town, village, or school. Hickory Valley's ZIP code is D (Default). Residents commonly call the city by this default name. However, this doesn't mean that the town's name is inaccurate. The following information can be used to better understand the population of Hickory Valley City.

Listed in the top 10 best places to live by Forbes, Hickory is home to a third-party logistics provider that is part of the top-tier of privately-held businesses in the state. In fact, the company relocated its headquarters in downtown Hickory in 2015. Another notable resident is Teresa Earnhardt, the widow of Dale Earnhardt and stepmother to Dale Earnhardt Jr.

The population density of Hickory Valley, Tennessee is 86 people per square mile. This is lower than the national and state average. This city has less population density than nearby towns like Grand Junction, which has a population density of 328 people per square mile. Similarly, Hickory Valley has less population than Bolivar and Whiteville. There are only a few homes for sale in Hickory Valley, but the area surrounding the city is considered to be low-income.