Lascassas, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Lascassas City has a population of 66,443 residents, with 66,443 households. Of those, 47,740 are family households. Of these, 37,394 are married couples. The remaining 2,228 are single-family attached homes (also known as row houses or town homes). There are also 18,986 nonfamily households.

The population of Lascassas City is composed of a mixture of both young and old people. About twenty-five percent of the population is under twenty-one years of age. The rest is between twenty-four and sixty-six years of age. The city has a low crime rate, and most residents own single-family homes.

The per capita income in Lascassas is $34,580. This is relatively high compared to the rest of Tennessee and the US. This equates to about $138,320 for a family of four. The city's population is diverse, and there are residents of many different ethnic groups. The most common racial groups are Whites, followed by Blacks and Hispanics. English is the most common language in the city, but Spanish and Polish are also spoken.

The median house price in Lascassas is $317,433. This is lower than the US median of $376,286 and more affordable than the median prices in Greendale, IN and New Market, VA.