Laurel Bloomery, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Laurel Bloomery is 593 people, which is a decrease of 22.6% from the 2000 census. In addition to that, commute time is significantly lower than the national average of 26.4 minutes. Listed below are the current population and steets of Laurel Bloomery. To get a better sense of the neighborhood, you can also view the list of nearby cities.

Crime rates in Laurel Bloomery vary greatly depending on where you live. Crime rates are generally similar in neighboring cities, but Laurel Bloomery is less safe than many neighboring towns. Crime rates are displayed in terms of number of crimes per 1,000 residents for a standard year. The overall crime rate is 0.23% lower than the national average, but Laurel Bloomery is still significantly safer than the state of Tennessee and the national average.