Loudon, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Loudon City is comprised of both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. There are more than 2,379 native-born residents, and just under six foreign-born residents. The US Census Bureau provides population figures, which are updated annually. The median age of Loudon City residents is 44.2. Among foreign-born residents, the most common place of birth is Mexico, which is home to more than 90,080 people. Another top foreign-born country of origin for residents of Loudon is India, with 22,725 residents originating from that country. And Guatemala and India each had fourteen-thousand residents.

Income inequality in Loudon, TN is low, with households earning $41,860 annually - less than the national average of $65,712. The state is one of the few states where income inequality is low - it is 0.465. In terms of employment, manufacturing and health care are the top three industries in Loudon, TN, employing over a quarter of the total population. Finance & Insurance, which employs 177 people, pays an average of $50833 per year.

In terms of race and ethnicity, Loudon is a majority-white. The city's median property value is $123,300, and the homeownership rate is 59.6%. Similarly, most residents drive alone to work, with the average commute time of 19.1 minutes. Among all races in Loudon, TN, car ownership is common, with an average of two cars per household.