Lutts, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of the crime rate in Lutts City will give you an idea of how many crimes are committed per 100 residents. You may not think this is an issue, but crime rates in Lutts are not as low as they might seem. For example, in east Lutts, there are 6 crimes reported per year. It may be that this is because there are fewer retail stores in the area. It is important to know that the red areas do not necessarily mean that the population is at risk.

The population of Lutts is approximately 591 people. There are 218 households. The median housing value in Lutts is $49,063, and the average household size is 2.48 people. The population of Lutts is expected to decline by -1.1 percent by 2025. The percentage of homeowners is 7.72 percent. The average age is 25 years old. There are more women than men living in Lutts.

The percentage of street children in Lutts City is significantly higher than in the rest of the state. The city has a small population of children under the age of 18. The median age is 24 years old. Residents of Lutts City are generally white. The number of elderly people is large. The percentage of families with children is lower than in other cities, but it is still high enough to warrant a visit.