Mitchellville, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for Mitchellville, Iowa population and steets information, you've come to the right place. We have the latest census data, and the population of Mitchellville is a diverse mix of white, black, and African-American residents. Residents also claim German, Irish, and English ancestry, as well as Dutch, Italian, and Spanish. Mitchellville is also home to the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women.

There are about 11,000 residents living in Mitchellville, Iowa. Most are black, with 78.5% being under the age of 18; however, about 10% of residents were single women. The median home value of Mitchellville is $350,000. The median household income is $122K, and 76.8% of the population is employed. The population of Mitchellville is considered affluent for Blacks. The city has a high percentage of people who own their homes, and about 90% of people live in apartments.

The Mitchellville City Jail is staffed with 16 highly trained Confinement Officials, who have completed the Prison guard Essential Foundation (STC) program by the Iowa Leading body of Remedies. Prison guards in Mitchellville City go through extensive selection and training, including a written assessment, oral board, foundation examination, and tranquilize testing. The staff members are bonded with the community and rehearse together so that they have the most valuable training possible.