Old Hickory, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for demographic data on Old Hickory City, Tennessee, you've come to the right place. This page contains demographic data from the most recent U.S. Census. You can also see how many people live in the city and how many commute to work by car or by public transportation. If you'd like to see more demographic information about the city, check out the Old Hickory City map below.

Old Hickory is home to 23784 residents, with 48% males and 52% females. The median age is 41. Most residents live in families, with 68% being married couples, 22% single females, and 15% single men. The average household size is 2.57, with an average family size of 3.03.

In 2016, the age distribution of the population was very different. It showed that 23.3% of the population was under 18 years old, while 11.2% of households were between 25 and 44 years old. Thirty-one percent of households were non-families, with 39.1% being single-person households. There were 10.9% of senior citizens living alone. Males outnumbered females in the city by 92.8%.