Orlinda, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are a newcomer to Orlinda City and are wondering what the population and steets are like, you are not alone. Almost every city in the country has a population & steets map. You can even request free quotes to get an idea of what you can expect for your neighborhood. Whether you're interested in a single family home or a large apartment complex, you can find all of that information using our interactive map.

Among the most interesting statistics for Orlinda are its demographics. This city is fairly diverse in terms of racial makeup. Many residents identify as belonging to several racial groups, with the majority reporting themselves as White, Black, or African-American. Important ancestries include Irish and English. English is the predominant language spoken in Orlinda, but other important languages include Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese.

The median age for residents of Orlinda is 39.9 years, which is slightly older than the national average. Orlinda has more than one percent Hispanic citizens, but it is still smaller than Portland. However, the percentage of white residents is much higher in Portland than in Orlinda. This is not surprising, as the city is just three-fourths the size of Tennessee.

The highest proportion of never-married households in Orlinda is 19%. Similarly, the city is ranked #1 for its largest average household size, which is the number of people living in a family. The average family size of a household in Orlinda is 3.3 people, which is higher than the national average. If you are a newcomer to Orlinda City, here are some statistics about the city's population.