Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know more about the Population & Steets of Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee? First, you should know that English is the most common language spoken in this city. In fact, nearly 86.5% of the adult civilian population speaks English exclusively or very well. That's far better than the national average of 7.5%. The average IQ level of a person living in Red Boiling Springs is 77.9, making it the most educated city in Tennessee.

If you are curious about how safe Red Boiling Springs is, you can use the crime rates for the city. In a standard year, the city experiences around 4.4 crimes per thousand people. This is slightly higher than the Tennessee average and 35.7% higher than the national average. But don't worry, this is still pretty safe for a small town in Tennessee! The crime rate in Red Boiling Springs is comparable to other similar cities.

In Red Boiling Springs, TN, Whites make up 86.3% of the population, while Hispanics make up 1.0%. Similarly, only 27.7% of residents are Hispanic. However, it's important to note that those statistics are based on the racial makeup of the city. For example, a low percentage of White people lives near a park, but those numbers may not be representative of the neighborhood where you live.