Rickman, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for a city to live in, consider the Population & Steets in Rickmann. While the population of this city is relatively small, it's still home to a number of well-to-do individuals. The average per capita income in Rickman is $26,231. Compared to other cities in Tennessee and the US, this figure is in the upper middle class. This means that a family of four could live comfortably on just over $105,000 per year. Although the city's population is primarily white, it has many other ethnic groups as well. The largest group of people are White, and the ancestry of Rickman residents includes several other races, including Asian, African, and Native American.

The nearest airport to Rickman is in Knoxville. Most large cities have airports. If the airport is not close to Rickman, consider searching for flights to a nearby city. It's easy to find flights to cities less than 4 hours away from Rickman. For example, you might find a cheap flight to Nashville or Atlanta, which is only four hours away. Then you can travel from there to your final destination.

ZIP Code 38580 is located in RICKMAN, Tennessee. This zip code has one default name, and it is a 5-digit extension of the city's ZIP code. When looking for ZIP Code 38580, you may want to look up the school district, local zip code, and other vital information for the area. There are also some free online resources that provide this information. You can look up schools in this area by visiting the school page for the area.