Rives, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and steets in Rives City are important to understand the community's demographics and the demographic makeup of the area. Rives has a diverse population, with 28.1% of its residents being Hispanic. See below for a breakdown of the 7 races represented in Rives. Also, see below for the median age in Rives. The median property value in Rives, TN was $62,000 in 2019.

The income distribution of the city of Rives is less equal than in the rest of the country. Females earn $45,164 compared to males' $65,712 median income. Income inequality in Tennessee is 0.465, which is lower than the national average. In Rives, TN, 157 people work in industries that pay at least $16,250 per year. Health and Social Assistance jobs account for 22 percent of the labor force, while Manufacturing jobs employ 74 people. Transportation & Warehousing, Utilities and Manufacturing jobs each pay at least $36,250.

While the median age in Rives, TN was 31 years old in 2019, the number of citizens ages 34 and younger in this city was significantly lower than the national average. In addition, the percentage of foreign-born residents in Rives is significantly lower than the national average. Rives also has a high proportion of military-service-connected residents, with a total population of approximately 50 percent. During the 1990s, this population had a relatively high percentage of people who served in the Gulf War.