Scotts Hill, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the population and steets of Scotts Hill, Tennessee? Find out more by reading the following information. This guide includes vital facts such as the population of the city, its population density, crime rate, and other helpful information. It also provides useful information regarding the city's schools. The population of Scotts Hill is approximately 4,400. The city's population density is a measure of how safe a particular area is.

The population and steets of Scotts Hill City are provided by the USPS. The USPS uses the default name of a city when listing information. However, a city with the same name has different statistics and can be considered as a Lower-middle-class neighborhood. However, if you live in Scotts Hill, Tennessee, the default name for the city is Decatur.

Among the churches in Scotts Hill are the Baptist, Methodist, and Pentecostal churches. A log school house was built in 1877. In 1880, Ras Tucker began teaching at the school. Later, his son, B. A. Tucker, moved to Scotts Hill and started a high school. The school produced many teachers. Education was one of the main things in Scotts Hill.

The median household income in Scotts Hill City was $25,125. The median age of residents was 39.6. The median household size was 2.37 people. The average household size was 2.81 people. The poverty rate in Scotts Hill City was 7.3 percent. Lastly, the median home value was $101,900. Scotts Hill City had a 7.7% appreciation in home value over the last decade.