Sharps Chapel, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering if Sharps Chapel is a safe city to live in, the answer is yes. The city's crime rate is lower than that of most other cities in North Carolina. The city's crime map shows the highest crime rates in areas in red, while the lowest crime rates are in areas in yellow. The Crime Grade map also shows crime rates by type and severity. Sharps Chapel's crime grade is C+, which means that crime rates are about the same as the national average. Its safety grade is the 49th percentile, which means that its neighborhoods are 49% less dangerous than the national average.

The quality of life in any community is highly subjective, and some people prefer a more walkable city. Others, on the other hand, dislike car dependency and would rather live in a neighborhood with a low-traffic count. Knowing what amenities are available in a neighborhood is vital for determining if Sharps Chapel is right for you. Although there are many amenities in Sharps Chapel, you may still want to consider other factors, including the local community.

The racial makeup of Sharps Chapel is quite varied. According to census data, the majority of residents are White, but you can also find people with German, English, Irish, and other European ancestry. While the majority of Sharps Chapel residents are White, there are still pockets of the community that are predominantly black. If you find a neighborhood where the majority is black, the area is considered to be under-diversified.