Tigrett, Tennessee Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the population & steets of Tigrett City are? If so, you've come to the right place! Take a look at the Tigrett map above and learn more about the city's demographics. It shows you the self-identified racial makeup of the town, and what racial diversity score the town has.

The city's population is spread out, with 25.3% of its residents under the age of 18, 16.3% between ages 18 and 24, and 13.4% from ages 25 to 44. Twenty-four percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, while 13.6% were 65 and older. The median age was 33.8 years, and 16.2% were under the age of 18. Its gender distribution is also similar, with approximately one female for every two male households.

In The United States, the last name of Tigrett is the most common, with about 292 people bearing the name. This makes it one in every 1,241,298 people. The city's name is mainly found in the states of Tennessee, Texas, and Mississippi. It is also found in England and France. Between 1880 and 2014, the number of people bearing the Tigrett name increased by 7,300 percent.

QuickFacts provides data on population and steets for cities, counties, and the United States. Statistical data are not comparable to those of other geographic levels because of differences in sampling methodology and data collection. In the TABLE view, each row has Quick Info icons to reveal the sampling error and how the data was calculated. You can also look up the vintage year of each series to determine how accurate the numbers are.