Abbott, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering where Abbott is located, you've come to the right place. Abbott, TX is home to 194 people, making it one of the most populous communities in the state. However, it is not without its problems. The poor living conditions in Abbott make it a tough place to live, especially if you're on a budget. Below is a look at the population and steets of Abbott City.

Population & Steets in Abbott, TX

The median household income in Abbott, TX was $37,915. Twenty-four percent of the households in Abbott, TX had children under the age of eighteen. Twenty-four percent of households had two adults and a child. One-fourth of households had no spouse. Sixty-five percent of households were headed by a married couple, while 14.1% were headed by a single individual. There were 16.9% of senior citizens living alone.

The future location of Abbott City was formerly a part of Methuen and Andover. The Water Power Association, a group of industrialists from these towns, bought the rights to Peter's Falls on the Merrimack River and Bodwell's Falls on the Merrimack River. It also petitioned the legislature for an act of incorporation, and the city became known as the Essex Company.