Ackerly, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ackerly has a median age of 32. Most people in Ackerly identify as white. About 12.3% are black. Another 5.4% are Hispanic, and 2.6% are Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. Ackerly has an average household size of 3.15 people, and the median household income is $48,000. Most people in Ackerly have either a high school diploma or some college education. The highest concentrations of ancestry are Welsh and German.

Ackerly is located in Dawson and Martin counties in the state of Texas. The 2010 census recorded a population of 220. According to the United States Census, there are about 220 people living in Ackerly. The city is incorporated in the early 1960s, and is part of the Midland-Odessa metropolitan area. As of 2011, it is home to two high schools and several small businesses.

The following list shows the top 100 cities and towns in the vicinity of Ackerly, TX. These cities are useful for travelers who are looking for flights to nearby cities. Alternatively, you can find cities within 100 miles of Ackerly to explore. You can use these resources to find a destination that is close to Ackerly and offers a variety of amenities. They may even have a large number of local businesses to choose from.