Anson, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Anson City is roughly 791. The median household income is $43,750. Among those living in Anson, about 30% of people are hispanic. The median age is 34.5, compared to 37.4 nationally. The median household size is 2.6. Read on for the demographics of this community! Listed below are some statistics that may help you decide whether to relocate to Anson.

The median household income in Anson, TX is $712, which is slightly higher than the state average. Men are more likely than women to live in poverty in the city. The poverty rate is 13.7%. Anson is also home to many single mothers, so women are more likely to be living in poverty than men. However, the majority of people do have health insurance, making the city a desirable place to live.

A recent Census report revealed that the population of Anson was approximately 28% younger than the state average. A small number of residents were aged 24 to 44. Anson City has less than one eviction per 100 residents. Compared to nearby towns such as Wilton and Newcastle, Anson has fewer eviction cases than either of these cities. However, evictions continue to be an issue in Anson.

Despite its small size, Anson City has experienced natural disasters. Fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes have all struck the county. Anson City is home to the Anson Inn at 1532 Commercial Avenue and the Anson Courthouse at 259 District Court (1100 12th Street). Among the area's famous residents are country singer Jeannie C. Riley and artist Gary D. McCaleb. The city also has one correctional facility and a nursing home.