Bagwell, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population / steets of Bagwell City, Mississippi? Are people living in one area safer than others? It can be hard to compare crime rates, but the following crime map gives a good idea. It shows the areas where crime is most likely to occur compared to other parts of Bagwell. The areas that are marked as "red" are less likely to be dangerous than other parts of the city, so the red area may not necessarily be a safety risk for Bagwell residents.

Historically, Bagwell was a railroad shipping point for cotton, lumber, and shingles. The town had a population of around 200 by the mid-1880s. By the mid-1920s, it had grown to 350. The population continued to decline and was as low as 195 in 1961. In the mid-1960s, the town was bypassed by U.S. Highway 82. By 1986, the population was down to only 195 people.

Using the ZIP Code 75412, you can lookup the area's population. This zip code is located in the town of Bagwell, Texas. It is a part of Red River County. The population of Bagwell is approximately 528 people, or 3 people per square mile. The median age is 47.4 years old. Bagwell Baptist Church has served this community for years. The area has a median home value of $91,100. It is classified as a Lower Middle Class area of Texas.