Bangs, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There is a lot of data on the population of Bangs City, New Hampshire. If you want to know where the city lies, you can look up the Population & Steets by zip code or address. This will allow you to get a general idea of the size of the community. The population of Bangs is roughly 6,000 people. There are approximately 1,400 households in Bangs.

Crime rate is the number of crimes committed against each 1,000 Bangs residents per year. This rate is relatively low compared to nearby cities and the national average. Crime rates can be a bit misleading in Bangs, but there are plenty of ways to figure out the average number of crimes. If you are worried about your safety, take a look at the crime map in Bangs. It may look like crime is prevalent in central Bangs, but this is not necessarily the case.

The population of Bangs was around 900 people in 1946. It was home to several businesses: the Palmer Drug Store, Bell Grocery and Market, Piggly Wiggly Grocery, Swann Cafe, and South Texas Lumber Company. The city had a gin, and cotton production increased. It was also known as a truck farming town and had many businesses operating. In 1907, Mrs. Hugh Wilson opened a red and white grocery store.