Ben Franklin, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Philadelphia was named for Benjamin Franklin, an American patriot and writer who became successful in the printing business after spending two years in England. His partnership with a printing house foreman, David Hall, lasted eighteen years, and they were both major figures in the city and colony. Franklin went to London to select types and meet with people he hoped would be useful to his business. In 1733, he was appointed clerk of the Pennsylvania Assembly, and he was named postmaster of Philadelphia. In 1740, Franklin was elected Postmaster of Philadelphia, and he served as Clerk of the Assembly until 1753.

The city has a population of 22,814, including approximately 44.5% of the population under the age of 18. Those aged 18 to 24 make up 66.4% of households, and those aged 45 to 64 make up the remaining 25.9%. There were also 5.4% of households with a female householder living alone, while another 6.7% were headed by a senior. In all, the median age of the city was 35 years old. Males outnumber females 96.1 to 100. Those aged eighteen and over were represented by ninety-three males for every hundred females.