Bergheim, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Berghheim City? What are the most prominent neighborhoods? The best way to find out is to look at a city map. The list below will show you which towns and cities are closest to Bergheim. Then, you can select one of them. Otherwise, you can also see the population of Bergheim and nearby towns. If you want a more comprehensive view of the city, you can use the interactive Bergheim City map.

The interactive map of Bergheim shows you the different areas and sports facilities in the city. You can click on a certain site and explore its activities. The city is home to 13 different sports facilities, including two tennis courts and a pas de tir. It also has 1 combat room and one multisports hall. You can also find a skate park in the city. If you're into sports, Bergheim is a great place to play.

People living in Bergheim are among the wealthiest neighborhoods in the nation. Their median household income is $177,000, and they own most of the real estate in the neighborhood. Their homes are typically well-maintained, and their car collection consists of mostly luxury brands. Most residents in Bergheim City send their children to private schools, and many spend summers in Europe. There's a lot to love about Bergheim, Pennsylvania.