Blanket, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Blanket, TX are listed below. You can also see how many residents live in each district by looking at the city's census data. As of 2019, the city has a population of 372 people, with a median household income of $41,094. About 12.6% of the people living in Blanket are hispanic, and 20 percent are foreign-born. This number is expected to increase over the next decade.

The median household income in Blanket is $41,094, which is below the state average of $65,712. The median annual income in Blanket is higher than that of its neighboring cities, but is lower than the national average. The city has 186 residents, which makes it slightly cheaper than other areas of Texas. Blanket, TX's largest industries are Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Agriculture, Forestry & Hunting. The highest-paying industries in Blanket are Construction, Manufacturing, and Professional, Scientific & Technical Services.

The median age of residents in Blanket, TX is 44.1 years. While native citizens are the majority in the town, the city is populated by approximately one fifth of foreign-born residents. In 2018, Blanket had a population of 99.1%, and today is the fourteenth largest city in Texas. This decrease in citizenship rate is a result of the large number of people living in Blanket, TX. In addition to being a comparatively small city, the population density is high, with the median age ranging from 35 to 44.