Blum, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Blum, Texas was 434 people at the 2010 census. The percentage of non-Hispanic White residents was 98.8%, while the percentage of non-Hispanic Black or African American residents was 8.6%. The median household income in Blum, TX was $61,750, down 3.52% from the previous year. The most common language spoken in Blum is English.

According to Census Bureau estimates, 79.1% of households in Blum, TX have access to high-speed broadband internet. This number is significantly higher than the national average of 69.2%. This number demonstrates the importance of broadband internet service in Blum, TX. Moreover, 79.1% of Blum households have at least one computer in their home. This is a great indicator for the health of Blum's residents.

In 2019, the median age of residents in Blum, TX was 26.7. The proportion of native-born citizens was 47.9%, while the percentage of foreign-born residents was 17.5%. The majority of Blum residents were born in Mexico. The next largest country was India with 267,786 Blum residents who were over the age of 11.