Bremond, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is the population and steets for Bremond City, Texas. This information can be useful for research in employment-related fields, such as finding areas where retirees are concentrated. The median age of residents in Bremond is 42.5, with both native-born and foreign-born people making up the majority of the population. Of those residing in Bremond, TX, the largest proportion of residents were born in Mexico (2.5 million people), followed by El Salvador (216,011) and India (267,800).

The population of Bremond City is relatively low, especially near parks and major airports. Few residents live in these areas, which can make crime rates appear higher than they actually are. But, crime does occur where people are. For these reasons, the city is generally considered to be safe, despite its low population density. However, the crime rate is often inflated in these areas because of the high concentration of retail establishments and tourists.

Historically, Bremond was a small city, with a population of about 800. It grew to a population of 1,200 in the 1920s. Bremond was served by State highways 6 and 14, as well as the Texas and New Orleans Railway. As a result, there were many businesses in Bremond in 1948. However, the city's population has decreased by 1.7% since the 2020 census.