Brenham, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map of Brenham, TX is very useful for a variety of purposes. For example, it can help you determine your sales catchment area or identify areas for delivery and distribution. It may also help you in your job search, move to a new neighborhood, or travel within the city. You can use this map to determine the average age of residents. This information is based on the latest American Community Survey data, and is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.

The median property value in Brenham, TX is $163,800, which is approximately 0.681 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate is 61.5%, which is slightly below the national average. Most residents commute alone to work, and the median car ownership rate is just under the national average. There are approximately two cars per household, making transportation a great option for many in the city.

In addition, this map displays the current population of the Brenham City. Its radius can be configured to show cities that have a certain population level, or all cities of a particular size. Once you have configured your parameters, you will be presented with a map that shows all the cities within the Brenham city boundary. A circle will be drawn on the map, with population data and distance. If you upgrade, you will see a circle of different sizes coloured based on their distance from Brenham.

After receiving public input, the council members reiterated their positions on the development. Kolby addressed citizens' concerns and emphasized his desire to provide housing options for working class residents. Kenjura echoed the concerns of the Brenham ISD, citing a number of concerns related to Blinn College and the potential residents. Ultimately, the city council will have to make a decision on the future of the development.