Broaddus, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you know about Broaddus City, Texas? You may be surprised to learn that this small city has a comparatively low rate of evictions. Compared to the neighboring cities of Chester, TX, and Tatum, TX, Broaddus has fewer eviction cases. Here are some demographics for you to consider:

In 2019, Broaddus was home to 332 people, a population increase of 23.4% from the previous year. The median household income in Broaddus, TX was $69,375, a decrease of -5.73% from the previous year. There are no residents of another race in Broaddus, Texas. The city's population density is about 11.6 people per square mile. It is home to two churches and several parks.

Crime rates in Broaddus are higher in the northwest of the city than in the northeast. The northwest area of the city has more retail establishments and fewer residents, making the crime rate appear higher than it actually is. However, crimes do occur in retail areas. Blocks with low population density can have many crimes. You should take this into consideration when visiting the area. The population of the city is not representative of its crime rate, as the city has relatively low crime rates.

The number of foreign-born residents in Broaddus is considerably lower than the state average. There are approximately 15,335 households in the city, with an average of 2.5 people living in each. Residents of Broaddus, TX are US citizens, with an 88.9% citizenship rate. This percentage was 100% in 2018, and continues to remain that way. Many of the city's residents have served in the Gulf War, which is significant given the small population.