Brookshire, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information can be useful to you if you're looking to move to Brookshire City. The racial makeup of Brookshire is as follows: 61.1% of residents identify as White. Another 12.3% identify as Black or African American. Five percent are Asian, 0.2% are Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, and 17.8% are Hispanic or Latino. Other racial groups include other races. The most common occupations in Brookshire are Production Occupations, Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maintenance, and Construction / Extraction Occupations.

The Brookshire Zip Code is located in Waller, Texas, and is designated by the USPS as "Brookshire." It is not the official city of Brookshire, but it's the default name for that city. It is estimated that there will be around 4,5,699 people living in Brookshire by the year 2020. To find out more about Brookshire, check out the city hall's website. If you're looking for a bank, Brookshire has 2 branches. The main banks are Wells Fargo Bank, National Association (WBNA) and Allegiance Bank.

With a population of approximately 5,400, the Brookshire City Council has an important task. It has to decide who will represent the city in its future. Because it's a small, industrial city, voting is mostly based on word of mouth, and there is a strong possibility that the town will pass the point where name recognition is enough to elect the city's leadership. For now, the population of Brookshire is estimated at around 5,400, but that could change as the city grows.