Calliham, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of Calliham City, Alabama, you'll have to go back a few decades. The town was founded in the 1880s by William M. Stephenson, who laid out a formal townsite and guaranteed fifty dollars for each lot sold. The town was incorporated in 1923 and by the 1930s, it had 121 residents, two businesses, and twenty-two families. In 1988, the town was moved three miles south because Choke Canyon Reservoir had inundated the original site. It has been a city of many changes over the past century.

While Calliham's violent crime rate may seem high, it actually doesn't. The area has low population density, so crime rates appear higher in these areas. Because there are few retail establishments in Calliham, most crimes are committed in blocks with few residents. Because of this, a red area on a violent crime map doesn't necessarily mean that residents in Calliham are in danger.

In order to make a good decision when buying a billboard ad, you must understand the population of Calliham City. This information will help you make a more informed decision about whether to buy a billboard ad online or not. You will also have an easier time buying a billboard ad by using a map. With a ZIP code of 78007, you can easily identify the location of a billboard ad and its price.