Callisburg, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the population and steets of Callisburg City, Texas. These figures can be a bit misleading, however. In fact, the population of this city is remarkably diverse - in fact, in 2016, fewer than half of the people lived in Callisburg! In contrast, there are many other communities in Texas where race and ethnicity are disproportionately high.

Crime rates in Callisburg are generally lower than in the surrounding communities. Compared to cities of similar size, crime in Callisburg is comparatively low, despite the fact that many crimes occur in malls, retail centers, and other public areas. And despite these low crime rates, Callisburg remains safer than many other Texas and national cities. Therefore, you should consider living in Callisburg as an affordable and safe way to spend your weekends!

The most common racial and ethnic groups in Callisburg, TX are White, Hispanic, and American Indian. This means that approximately 0.48 percent of the population is below the poverty line. The two most common occupations in Callisburg are manufacturing and construction. In terms of ancestry, European and Dutch immigrants make up the largest portion of the population. Listed below are the top three industries in the city of Callisburg, TX by income.