Carrizo Springs, Texas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to move to Carrizo Springs, Texas, you'll want to know the Population & Steets in Carrico Springs City. This city has about 5,740 people. The median household income is $38,125. The area has a low poverty rate of 9.4%. However, there are a few things you should know. The median property value is $63,100, which is the same as the national average.

You'll find all kinds of homes for sale in Carrizo Springs, TX. Prices range from $70,053 to $70,003. You can even look for a home that's a hundred miles away from Carrizo Springs, TX. Listed below are the types of homes available in Carrizo Springs. You can compare prices between them to find the best deal. Carrizo Springs is located in Dimmit, Texas. You can find other towns in Dimmit and in the surrounding area by entering the city name into Google's search bar.

The racial and ethnic groups most likely to live below the poverty line in Carrizo Springs, TX are White, Hispanic, and Other. The state's income distribution is more even than the national average, according to the Census Bureau. The chart below shows that the largest percentage of Carrizo Springs households own two cars or more. It is important to remember that a home priced under $60,000 is not an expensive place to live. A $15 minimum wage would change a lot of lives, and that's not even the half of it!

The median age of residents in Carrizo Springs, TX is 31.7. This is a little above the state's median age of thirty-eight-year-olds. In 2019, the city's median age for both natives and foreign-born citizens was 31.7. In addition, the city has a low unemployment rate of 14.9% for people aged sixteen and up. The majority of its adult population is civilian, which is higher than the national average.